Most kids once they reached the age of ten and beyond experience qualms on how to get rid of their pimple. Acne – also known as pimples or zits is a completely typical part of growing up. Teenagers usually get acne because of the changes that occur during puberty, the time when their bodies start the many changes that turn them into adults.
About what to do when you got your first pimple, you probably ran to ask your parent, older brother or sister, or a friend. But before you take their counsel and crack that pimple, you should identify that some of what you hear about acne is just plain incorrect.
We always bump in along while searching for the best way to treat our skin disease some “common acne myths”, so let’s clear them up once and for all.
No. 1 Myth: Stress causes acne.
You might be worrying on your examination or on your incoming presentation in school that will cause your skin to break out? Don’t worry — the normal everyday stress of being a teenager doesn’t cause acne. If you’re going through an especially stressful period in your life — such as moving to a new house or dealing with your parents’ divorce — your skin may produce more oil, also known as sebum, but that doesn’t mean you’ll get more zits.
No. 2 Myth: Popping your zits is the best way to get rid of them.
Many suggest walking away from that mirror! If some people tell you that popping your zits will make them less obvious and help them heal faster, but they’re wrong. Picking or popping your pimples pushes
germs further under your skin, which could cause more redness, pain, and maybe even a horrible infection. And popping zits can lead to scarring, which could last forever.
If pimples always seem to show up at the wrong time, like before a big event such as a dance, talk to your parent about seeing your doctor or a dermatologist, a doctor who specializes in treating acne. A doctor can help get your acne under control.
No. 3 Myth: Getting a Tan Clears up acne.
Since its summer, you might be planning or thinking of getting a tan. But be careful, baking in the sun does nothing to perk up your acne. When you spend time outside and your skin becomes darker, the redness caused by acne may be less obvious for a little while. But when your tan fades, you’ll still see your zits. And spending time in the sun without the proper safeguard can cause dry, irritated, or burned skin — not to mention it increases your risk of developing wrinkles and skin cancer later in life.
Protect your skin with a sunscreen that contains a sun protection factor before you head outdoors, (on the label it’ll say SPF) of at least 30. Use a brand that’s marked “noncomedogenic” or “nonacnegenic,” which means it won’t clog up your pores and worsen acne. Always remember to wear a hat and sunglasses when you’re outside to maintain your skin in top shape. And if you ever wondered regarding tanning beds, here are the facts — they’re boring, expensive, and dangerous because they increase your risk of developing skin cancer.
We are all concern about how we look especially when it comes to our skin specifically on our faces. So, Be nice to our skin. It means taking care of our skin the best way we could. Following common acne myths will not help but instead could worsen your problem.